
Location   North Campus
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Danah Skinner
Start On   07/13/2020 11:00am
End On   07/13/2020 12:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   05/12/2020 3:56pm by Danah Skinner
Last Modified   05/15/2020 10:03am by Danah Skinner
Pattern   Daily: Recurs every 1 day(s)
Recur Until   07/14/2020
This is a two day event. Students will build their rockets on site on the first day and then the second day shoot them off. This event is limited please call 724-593-9200 and ask about Rocket Camp! The cost is $35 per person; adults accompanying their children do not have to pay.
* Students will get to keep their rockets.
* Anyone who wants to participate. If they are under the group age, they MUST be accompanied by an adult.
* We will be building and designing the rockets on Monday and then weather permitting shooting the rockets on Tuesday. We will have a rain date available as we get closer to the event. 

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