
Location   North Campus - Donegal
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Lin Podolinsky
Start On   06/21/2019 12:00pm
End On   06/21/2019 1:30pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   04/15/2019 1:12pm by Lin Podolinsky
Last Modified   05/04/2019 3:30pm by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Guest Speakers: Dr. Murray Thompson
Licensed Clinical Psychologist who is a Vietnam Vet and actively practicing clinician 
Dr. Thompson will be talking about the concept of Stress management/Mental health Maintenance/ and Wellbeing for the 55+ generation.
Contact the Center at 724-593-9200, 724-455-2122, or email info@champion.org with June Senior Luncheon with your name, email, and number attending to RSVP.  This event is free, but does require an RSVP.

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