
Location   North
Status   Cancelled
Owner   Brittney Grimm
Start On   03/28/2020 9:00am
End On   03/28/2020 12:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   01/30/2020 2:16pm by Brittney Grimm
Last Modified   03/15/2020 10:59am by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Join us for this workshop, taught by Don Witt (defense specialist), as we examine active shooter situations. You will learn recommendations of the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, how to secure your area, weapon options, and last resort techniques to survive. Don will incorporate videos, physical techniques and exercise, and drills.

This powerful and informative workshop is open to the public. Cost for registration is $10 per individual or $35 per church for all attendees.

Please call 724-593-9200 or email info@champion.org if you have any questions or to sign up for the workshop.

Sponsored by: CFCC, Laurel Mt. Ministerial Association, Church Insurance Specialists. Snacks will be provided by Brotherhood Mutual Insurance.

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