
Location   1076 King's Way, Donegal, PA 15628
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Lin Podolinsky
Start On   06/07/2022 11:00am
End On   06/07/2022 11:40am
Alarm   No alarm
Created   05/05/2022 8:41pm by Lin Podolinsky
Last Modified   05/25/2022 7:09am by Pam Hoffmeyer
Pattern   Weekly: Recurs every 1 week(s) on: Tuesday
Recur Until   08/16/2022
Exceptions   07/06/2022Delete
Summer Library will be every Summer Tuesday from June 7th - August 16th from 11:00 AM - 11:45 PM at our North Campus Library in Donegal.  Attendees will participate in an interactive read aloud and a hands-on activity connected to the story.  Activities may include art, movement, language, literacy, math, or science components.  Children ages 2 to 14 may attend.  We ask that children 4 and under attend with a parent or guardian.  Participants may participate in Summer Hot Lunch afterwards.  Children ages 0 to 18 eat for free this summer.  Please contact the office today, at 724-593-9200, to sign-up!

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