
Location   North Campus Fine Arts Room
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Danah Skinner
Start On   07/26/2022 10:00am
End On   07/26/2022 12:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   04/26/2022 5:07pm by Danah Skinner
Last Modified   06/10/2022 2:29pm by Jen Lilley
Children, who are 7 or up, (younger children will have to talk to Miss Skinner; they may need an adult) may come and build a rocket to shoot off on the field. The first hour will be building the rocket and a discussion about how rockets work. During the second hour, we will be shooting them off on the field (weather permitting). If the weather isn't great, we can shoot them the next day. The cost will be $45 per child/rocket.

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