
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Ryan Schwartz
Start On   08/19/2022 All day event
Alarm   30 Minute(s)
Created   08/01/2022 8:41am by Ryan Schwartz
Bus leaves North Campus at 9 AM for a 3:00 Show.  Will stop for lunch along the way, and dinner at Miller's Smorgasbord after the show.  Transportation, ticket, and dinner is included in the price. Lunch is not included.

The trip for David will be on August 19th. The Early Bird will be July 19th. The early bird price for the trip will be $150 for adults, and $95 for  children, and those prices will go up $10 each after July 19th.

Call 724-593-9200 or email info@champion.org for additional information.

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