
Location   State Capitol Harrisburg
URL   https://pafamily.org/2022/01/21/pennsylvania-march-for-life-set-for-september-19th-in-harrisburg/
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Start On   09/19/2022 All day event
Alarm   30 Minute(s)
Created   01/21/2022 11:17pm by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Last Modified   08/31/2022 11:18am by Lin Podolinsky
This event has no charge. We will be taking a coach bus that will leave our North Campus in Donegal at 6:00 am. We will arrive at the March in time for Praise and Worship at 10 AM. Please call 724-455-2122 to reserve a spot. We will make quick stops at PA Turnpike rest plazas for meal and restroom breaks during travel. After the March, we may have the opportunity to meet with Pennsylvania Legislators to discuss how they are impacting the Pro-Life movement before returning home.

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