
Location   North Campus Library- Donegal
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Start On   09/27/2022 6:30pm
End On   09/27/2022 8:30pm
Alarm   30 Minute(s)
Created   08/28/2022 10:00am by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Last Modified   08/30/2022 12:07pm by Barb Skinner
Pattern   Weekly: Recurs every 1 week(s) on: Tuesday
Recur Until   10/25/2022
Christianity 101 - How do the basic teaching of Christianity fit together?
How do we answer questions like “Who made God?” “Can we trust the Bible?” “Is Jesus God?” “If God is good how can there be evil?” In this relaxed and informal time together we will discuss the nature of God, the Trinity, the inspiration of the Bible and the nature of Jesus.   [Join us for these five sessions on Tuesday evenings this fall—Sept. 27-Oct. 25—6:30-8:30.]  2 Professional CEUs available if wanted.
Attendee Attendance Response
ALLYN RICKETTS <alrveritas@juno.com> Required None
merle_skinner@champion.org Required None
allyn_ricketts@champion.org Required None

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