
Location   North Campus
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Jennifer Pizer
Start On   10/04/2019 9:30am
End On   10/04/2019 2:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   04/08/2019 11:19am by Jennifer Pizer
Last Modified   09/27/2019 1:43pm by Christian Family & Children's Center
We welcome you to our Biannual Safety Day here at the Center!  Please see below for details.

Event Start:  10:00 AM (presenters should arrive no later than 9:30 AM; participants should arrive no later than 9:45 AM)

Event Location:  North Campus (Donegal) Harr Soccer Field; participants please sit on bleachers or bring lawn chairs/blankets

Event Details:  Presenters will be staged along the perimeter of the soccer field on all four sides.  Beginning at 10:30, participants will be divided into groups and will rotate through the presentation areas on a schedule provided.  Presentations will include 2 fire companies, state trooper & cruiser, canine unit, Medstar Helicopter, EMS, Smokey the Bear & Park Ranger, and School Bus Safety.  The Medstar helicopter will land on the soccer field center at 10:30 AM.  Afterwards, we will break into groups and begin our fun and learning. 

Rotations should be completed between 12:00 PM and 12:30 followed by lunch (free for visitors, hot lunch charge for CCS students) from the concession stand.  Participants may bring blankets, lawn chairs, etc to have a place to eat on the field and may also pack a disposable lunch.  The menu is hot dogs, baked beans, fruit, and beverages. 

Please register for the event with Ms. Jen at jen_pizer@champion.org or Barb Skinner at barb_skinner@champion.org

Please dress to be outdoors for the event and to be walking on the soccer field with possible mud, etc.

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