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Location   VIRTUAL - Lifesize
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Jenne Garn
Start On   06/07/2024 12:30pm
End On   06/07/2024 2:00pm
Alarm   3 Day(s)
Created   05/10/2024 10:50pm by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Last Modified   06/26/2024 8:47am by Tiarrah Marker
Pattern   This is an exception to a recurring event originally scheduled on 06/07/2024 at 10:00 AM
Conversation with Attorney Randy Wenger from PA Family Institute on barriers and strategies to protecting religious liberty.
We will use a Lifesize Video LInk.  Please try to have headphones and a microphone for your computer for recording quality.
Attendee Attendance Response
ekreps@pafamily.org Required None
merle_skinner@champion.org Required None
rwenger@pafamily.org Required None
ryan_schwartz@champion.org Required None

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