
Location   North Campus
Status   Cancelled
Owner   Christian Family & Children's Center
Start On   10/22/2020 7:45pm
End On   10/22/2020 7:45pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   03/30/2020 3:24pm by Christian Family & Children's Center
Last Modified   10/22/2020 9:21am by Jennifer Pizer
.  All families that are receiving any Financial Aid are required to attend this meeting.  The focus is to help understand how financial aid works at CCS, how it benefits you, and how we need you to help us secure funding for the aid that we use.  Families are receiving an extra part of financial aid to be a part of this meeting, and because families help with fundraisers and work projects.  For families who do NOT attend this meeting, participate in fundraising, and work days, this portion of your financial aid will not be available to you. 

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