
Location   On campus and in homes
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Start On   10/24/2022 All day event
Alarm   No alarm
Created   10/02/2022 3:40pm by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Last Modified   10/03/2022 7:21am by Ryan Schwartz
CCS Parents,
Please take a moment to say thank you to all of the daily drivers who bring our children to school and all of the CCS trip drivers who help make all of our travel possible.  This includes our mechanics and teams that help support this important transportation industry the the Center hosts.
We would encourage you to say thank you, both verbally and in creative ways.  Examples would be cards, notes, small items of appreciation.  Remember it is a very difficult job, and there are not enough drivers in the industry.
Attendee Attendance Response
ccsparents@champion.org Required None
merle_skinner@champion.org Required None
staff@champion.org Required None

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