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Status   Cancelled
Owner   Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Start On   04/03/2020 12:00pm
End On   04/03/2020 1:30pm
Alarm   30 Minute(s)
Created   03/23/2020 2:36pm by Barb Skinner
Last Modified   03/23/2020 3:57pm by Barb Skinner
Join us on Friday April 3rd as Dr. Eileen Mueseler discusses various diets and eating plans that
claim to promote health, with special attention to the Ketogenic diet, the Paleo diet, Atkins and
other similar low carb diets, the Mediterranean diet, and intermittent fasting. Learn the
differences amongst these diets, the pros and cons of each one, and how to utilize their
strategies to your advantage to promote your health and wellness goals.God has given us food to nourish us and also to enjoy. At the same time, there is a growing
incidence of health conditions that are impacted by our dietary intake. Do the types and quality
of our foods influence the risk, onset and progression of conditions like diabetes, heart disease,
stroke, high cholesterol, dementia and cancer? Are we simply a product of our genetic make-up
and a victim of our choices? Are there dietary strategies that can promote health and even
reduce the likelihood of these life-changing diseases?

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