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Location   North Campus
URL   http://www.champion.org/ccs/music/
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Jennifer Pizer
Start On   05/11/2021 6:30pm
End On   05/11/2021 8:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   04/27/2021 11:54pm by Jennifer Pizer
This year's spring recital will feature a group of CCS students, ranging from Kindergarten to Seventh grade, and a group of Community lesson students, ranging from Frist to Eighth grade, showcasing their growth in playing the piano and/or vocal performance.  Seats will be offered first to student families and then will be offered to the general public.  There will be refreshments following the recital.  The students are asked to wear their Sunday best and to come prepared with their lesson materials.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jen at jen_pizer@champion.org or 724-455-2122 ext. 107. 
Attendee Attendance Response
dean_pizer@champion.org Required None
jen_pizer@champion.org Required None
administrators@champion.org Required None

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