
Location   North Campus 1076 King's Way Donegal, PA 15628
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Lin Podolinsky
Start On   03/25/2022 12:00pm
End On   03/25/2022 1:30pm
Alarm   1 Day(s)
Created   01/21/2022 6:59am by Lin Podolinsky
Last Modified   02/10/2022 2:54pm by Lin Podolinsky
Speaker: Justin V. Tantlinger from YTS Insurance Agency will speak on practical Medicare strategies to fit you and your family. Medicare can be very confusing because there are so many different options to choose from.  When you go back to the basic fundamentals, it can help simplify the process and help you make a decision. This correlates with our Christian walk as well.  We seem to overcomplicate salvation and our faith by trying to add to what Christ did for us on the Cross.  When Christ said “it is finished” he really meant that.   Going back to the Basics of salvation is realizing that the closer we get to Christ (Daily devotions, prayer, etc) the more our faith grows and we want things of this world less.

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