
Location   North Campus 1076 King's Way Donegal, PA 15628
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Lin Podolinsky
Start On   04/20/2022 12:00pm
End On   04/20/2022 1:30pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   02/22/2022 12:43pm by Lin Podolinsky
Last Modified   02/22/2022 12:43pm by Lin Podolinsky
Speaker: Don Witt
It can happen to anyone. It's scary and sickening. You are attacked.  And YOU may be the only one there you can count on.
What will you do? Think it through.  Where is he? Where are you?  Where is safety?  What tools can I use to get there?
Although there are no guarantees, whether you are 5 or 55 YOU HAVE OPTIONS!  Come learn some practical choices to stay safe and achieve your #1 goal: SURVIVAL!  To register, please call 724-593-9200 or email info@champion.org

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