
Location   Pittsburgh
Status   Cancelled
Owner   Christian Family & Children's Center
Start On   01/15/2021 3:30pm
End On   01/15/2021 11:30pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   03/31/2020 9:18am by Christian Family & Children's Center
Last Modified   12/30/2020 12:54am by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
We are providing transportation to the Winter Jam Concert in Pittsburgh on January 17th. The bus will leave from North Campus at 3:45. Doors open at 6:00 and the concert starts at 7:00 pm. The cost for bussing is $15. In addition to transportation, all riders will need to purchase tickets for admission at $15 at the door with cash. To make a reservation for the bus, call us at 724-593-9200.

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