
Location   Flaxscutching Grounds Stahlstown
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Trevor McCalmont
Start On   09/12/2022 6:30pm
End On   09/12/2022 8:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   09/06/2022 11:45am by Trevor McCalmont
Last Modified   09/06/2022 12:35pm by me
we would like to have the next meeting on 9/12/2022 at 630pm at stahlstown.  This is where the flax scutching festival will be held so we can get things ready for the apple cider.  The address is 1703 PA-711 stahlstown, pa 15687
Attendee Attendance Response
traillife@champion.org Required Accepted
traillifeleaders@champion.org Required None

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