
Location   North Campus-Donegal, Fine Arts Room
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Start On   11/04/2022 12:00pm
End On   11/04/2022 1:30pm
Alarm   1 Week(s)
Created   09/25/2022 3:50pm by Dr. D. Merle Skinner
Ron Ermlick is a Physical Therapist and  will share information regarding movement, flexibility, staying active within the context of Biblical integration and practical things that people can walk away with.  This will be for active folks as well as folks that need extra help because of physical limitations.  You won't want to miss this very important and informative lunch and learn about a physical therapy/movement perspective on preventative exercises, understanding balance, and more.  Those who are not 55+ but have an interest in this topic to help keep the seniors in your life healthy and well are welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided. Please call 724-593-9200 or email info@champion.org to reserve your seat.  This event is Free, but we really appreciate registrations.
Attendee Attendance Response
staff@champion.org Required None
lin_podolinsky@champion.org Required None

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