
Location   Harrisburg
Status   Cancelled
Owner   Tiarrah Marker
Start On   01/15/2021 All day event
Alarm   No alarm
Created   06/09/2020 11:10am by Tiarrah Marker
Last Modified   09/04/2020 10:19am by Tiarrah Marker
Departure from North Campus at 6:30 AM. Return to North Campus late; around 10 to 11:00.
The Christian Family & Children’s Center is hosting a community coach bus trip to the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg, PA on January 10, 2020. Join us as we travel to the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the nation! This is the Annual PA Farm Show displaying competitive exhibits, commercial exhibits, and live animals. We will be leaving North Campus (1076 King’s Way, Donegal) at 6:30 am and returning to North Campus between 10 and 11 pm. The cost for round trip transportation for students and their families is $20 if registered early (BEFORE December 19th, 2019) and $25 if registered after that date. Community members are able to attend for $30 if registered early (BEFORE December 19th, 2019) and $35 if registered after that date. Please reserve your spot quickly as space will fill up. Email Tiarrah Marker at tiarrah_marker@champion.org or call 724-593-9200 X149, if you have any questions or would like to register.

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