
Location   North Campus Preschool Room
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Jennifer Pizer
Start On   02/05/2021 10:00am
End On   02/05/2021 11:30am
Alarm   No alarm
Created   01/25/2021 5:05pm by Jennifer Pizer
Champion Christian childcare children as well as children from the community who are eligible to enter Preschool in the fall of 2021 may visit Preschool today.  To enroll in the Champion Christian School Preschool class, students must be 3 years old and potty trained (or 2.5 and developmentally ready).  Any eligible child is welcome to attend this visit day regardless of where he or she will be attending Preschool in the fall.

Times will stay the same in the event of a snow delay, but we will cancel if school is cancelled.

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