
Location   North and South Campuses
URL   http://www.champion.org/ccs/orientation/needslist.pdf
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Center Calendar
Start On   02/02/2019 8:00am
End On   02/02/2019 4:00pm
Alarm   No alarm
Created   05/19/2018 6:33am by Center Calendar
Work will begin at Both Campuses at 9 AM.  Focuses will be based on weather and skills and interests of those coming out.  South Campus projects will be removing and installing carpeting in the 2nd grade classroom and downstairs offices.  We will begin on Friday afternoon with moving furniture out of rooms and carpet removal.  We will also be doing security installation at south as well.  We need lots of workers.  North Campus will be project focused on getting phone system installed at Garage, and greenhouse up and running.  Talk to a Trustee or Merle for additional information.  Please see website for tasks needing done at www.champion.org/ccs/orientation/needslist.pdf

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