
Location   Lancaster Sight and Sound
Status   Confirmed
Owner   Lin Podolinsky
Start On   12/11/2019 All day event
Alarm   30 Minute(s)
Created   09/06/2019 12:58pm by Lin Podolinsky
Last Modified   12/12/2019 2:59pm by Tiarrah Marker
Miracle of Christmas show.  The bus will be leaving at 9 am from the North Campus (1076 King's Way Donegal) and returning to North Campus around 10 pm. Price is $90 for adults (13+) and $55 for children (ages 3 to 12) if registered before November 1st. After that trip cost is $95 for adults and $60 for kids. Price includes admission and transportation only. You can bring food or purchase at the stops to and from the theater.        

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