
位置   North Campus
URL   http://www.somcob.org/
状态   已确认
所有者   Trevor McCalmont
开始   2024年05月23日 7:00pm
结束   2024年05月23日 8:30pm
提醒   无提示
已创建   2024年03月26日 8:24am by Trevor McCalmont
上次修改   2024年05月06日 9:29am by Danah Skinner
Champion Christian School Senior, Kindergarten, and Preschool Graduation ceremony. 
This is a wonderful celebration for families and friends of the students and friends of CCS. And the excitement of our FIRST graduation in our NEW GYM is a REAL POSSIBILITY. Volunteers still needed, many hands make the load light.
In order to do pictures and get everyone ready, Preschool should arrive and be ready for pictures at 6:15.
Kindergarten should arrive and be ready for pictures at 6:30.
Seniors should be there and ready by 6:30.

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